Seminole County Clerk - Dana Brown

The office of County Clerk is a Constitutional office. The duties of the County Clerk are governed by Oklahoma Statutes which include record keeping for the County, financial administration and secretarial duties to various boards and commissions.

Duties & Responsibilities

County Recorder - the County Clerk serves as record keeper for the County. All documents relating to real estate i.e. deeds, mortgages, mineral interests, plats, liens, judgments as well as State and Federal tax liens and military discharge records. The Clerk's office receives, records, and preserves these records, indefinitely, both in the office and electronically.

County Payroll - the County Clerk is responsible for the administration of payroll for County employees, their benefits, and filing all federal and state reports.

Financial Administration - the County Clerk maintains all financial records and ledgers for all county accounts. In addition, these accounts are balanced monthly with the County Treasurer.

County Purchasing Agent - the County Clerk is responsible for encumbering, auditing and paying all County purchase orders for materials and services.

Secretary - the County Clerk is also the secretary for several boards including the Board of County Commissioners, Excise/Equalization Board, and Tax Roll Correction Board.

dana brwon seminole county clerk
Dana Brown

PO Box 1180
Wewoka, OK 74884

Land Records (405) 257-2501
Purchasing (405) 257-5142
Fax (405) 257-6422